
What is the European Taxonomy?

The EU ESG Taxonomy was made by the European Parliament and is made to accompany the European Green Deal . These initiatives support the implementation of reaching carbon-zero targets and benefit the environment. The EU ESG Taxonomy provides a general, clear definition of what it means for a business to be sustainable, and the actions that they have to take to reduce the carbon footprint and reach this. Now the question is how is the EU ESG Taxonomy useful for such people in the public at large? Well, with its voluntary framework support the framework supports the new climate change taxes and their associated incentives for employing people to reduce carbon emissions. How Did We Get Here? One hundred years ago ‘Green’ or ‘sustainable’ business wasn’t a thing. ‘ Global warming ’ wasn’t a thing, there was only the pursuit of profit and productivity. Today we know that the way things appeared to be at the start of the 20th century was not a true representation of what was really